Let me quickly start by saying that this post may come off a little harsh on some people. My intention is not to upset anyone but to voice my own point of view based on past experiences…


I bet, if you’re anything like me who has has put years of your life into your skills, you’ve come across a few people who I like to call “sweet talkers”. The reason I call them this is because when someone wants something for nothing, they’ll start off talking to you so sweetly. They start with, “Hi! I love your work. You really do a fantastic job! I could never do what you do…” and yadda yadda yadda… sweet sweet sweet… and you KNOW the request is coming… and you KNOW they’re going to offer you next to NOTHING… or worse… nothing at all… or better yet, “EXPOSURE”…

If you can’t tell by my typing, I’m rolling my eyes extremely hard. I have met too many people like this who expect everything for nothing or pennies on the dollar. All those sweet things they were saying turn into “But think of the exposure!” and “But it’ll only take you like a minute to do.” These people need a lesson on economics…

Let’s all say it at once… TIME IS MONEY!

You wouldn’t ask your doctor to perform your surgery for “the exposure”. You wouldn’t ask for your food for free from a cook because “you’re just so good at it and it will only take a minute!”… That’s when you get a “spit burger” for lunch.

Being an artist IS my job. My time is money. Please DON’T waste my time. And no doubt plenty of you other creative people out there who are triggered by this post 100% agree… YOU DESERVE TO BE PAID FOR YOUR SKILLS! NEVER take less then what you’re worth…

I love you all! You are worth it!

Till next time.

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